Monthly Archives: November 2015

Episode 60: Hearthstone IV

Bastards of Kingsgrave’s Hearthstone crew returns to discuss the upcoming League of Explorers Adventure Mode.  We discuss all of the upcoming cards and come up with top lists for constructed, arena, and BOK’s arena game (Scorpions and Snakes). We chat about the recent Hearthstone World Championship at Blizzcon, tavern brawls, and the problems and challenges the game continues to face.

Notes: We assume everyone listening this time is familiar with the game, if you are not, check out our first two episode (the first introduces the game and the second covers arena drafting and strategy). We get into the full League of Explorers card discussion around 9 minutes in.

General top 7 list of constructed cards we came up with:

Brann Bronzbeard, Forgotten Torch, Keeper of Uldaman, Naga Sea Witch, Raven Idol, Animated Armor, Entombed


Episode 60 download link (right click and download).