Category Archives: Uncategorized

Episode 81: Anime North 2019

We recap our time at Anime North 2019, held in Toronto, Canada. We cover our experiences at the convention, including taking part as panelists and media, cospalying, organizing and running photoshoots, and seeing the exhibitor hall and artist alley. We take a no holds barred approach to evaluating the positives and negatives of Canada’s largest anime convention.

Notes:  The convention weekend marks the seventh year anniversary of the founding of the Bastards of Kingsgrave podcast!

Episode 81 download link (right click and download).

VOK Nominated for the Annual Podcast Awards!!

PodcastAwards4Thanks to the loyal listeners of House Manwoody (and the APOIAF crew), the Vassals of Kingsgrave have been nominated for the 10th Annual Podcast Awards.

“Well that’s great,” I hear you say, “but how could I possibly help you dethrone the gargantuan competition? I’m only one person with an internet connection.” Well, humble listener, the fact is, you hold all the power. You can vote. And here’s how…

Step 1: Go to this website:
Step 2: Select “Vassals of Kingsgrave” in the General category.
Step 3: Scroll to the bottom, and enter your name and email, followed by “Submit”.
Step 4: Go to your email inbox, and verify your vote.
Step 5: Have a Kit Kat. You’ve earned it! 😉


Voting closes on March 24, at 2100 EST. However, you can vote each and every one of those 22 days, starting with today.

So be sure to share, retweet, reblog, do whatever it is Tumblr does, and loose your ravens to every corner of the realm.
